Open letter

To science

The request for research of a cause of the redshift

I appreciate every little thing in which skill of man is used. All the more I admire the latest strenuous scientific experiments in all fields. However, what we need most is an absolute view of anything we are doing today, so that we can guide the whole scientific and productive potential, as well as every man’s doing, towards maximum harmony and effectiveness. In other words, our civilization has reached the Relativistic phase of development, which expects us to exponentially increase efficiency of our conduct to performances much higher than are present ones. Our primary aim is adopting means of absolute assessment for every action and creating an absolute idea of organization of universal Life – creating an idea what Life expects us, or predetermines us, to do on the basis of its absolute needs of organization. At a website I present many underlying pieces of information and requests. Let me briefly repeat one of them (see supplement 7) and make it an important task of the present. It is a finding of the real cause of the redshift in quasar radiation, as main evidence for the Big bang theory, which is a misguided one and a sign of limited possibilities of current experimental research.

The proof of a cause of the redshift is relatively simple: by measuring its size of one source (of distant galaxy outside our cluster) with different length of passage of light beam through the atmosphere of the Earth. If the redshift measured in orbit of the Earth (by means of the Hubble Space Telescope) is smaller than on the Earth, or measured at the zenith smaller than on the horizon, it would be proof of existence of electromagnetic-gravitational wave ELMG – proof that a cause of the redshift is accumulation of energy on the way of propagation of respective radiation, and thus proof of static organization of the universe. If the redshift is caused by the expansion of the Universe, its size must be the same everywhere. Accumulation of energy can be increased by passage of radiation through a pipe pressed with active gas.

          I repeatedly ask science for accurate measurement of the redshift of several sources in different places of the planet as well as in orbit and for making an analysis of data, including previous measurements. At present, our civilization needs to know truth – of course, not only about the cosmos evolution. I ask science for responsibility for its attitude and every act.


                                                                                              Best regards

                                                                                              Dipl.Ing. Zdenek Hanak

20 July 2001